Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I do not endorse every frame of the video but you should watch it. We are threatened by people who are our allies. We have permitted the Saudis to use the wealth we have given them to corrupt our Congress, our universities and a good part of our press. The U.S. allowed the Wahabis to train and select the Muslim clerics who minister in our Federal prisons. This has been going on for thirty years. We became arrogant and complacent. I will always wonder why Bin Laden authorized the attack because we were asleep at the wheel. We still are, but the United States is beginning to stumble into awareness. We are as a people becoming aware that our government is incompetent and not fit to lead us. We are still lost, still wedded to these two parties that are really wings of what I call the Treasury Party. Recovering our path, reducing our dependence on Washington will not be easy. Indeed, it may fail. We see they will not even secure our borders. They will in fact do nothing unless we find ways to force them to act. You might well ask, Who are WE? I really do not know. This blog is one small effort to reach out to like minded people, to find ways to connect, to assure ourselves we are not alone or loony, to find ways to act in concert to revive old time values, civility, decency, capable government, modest and focused. We have to stop living in the past, on our glory. We need new people in government, we need to close half of the government down (fat chance), we need to end farm subsidies that have produced a tidal wave of corn syrup which has poisoned our food. Watch this video, monitor your reactions. Are you fearful? Do you want to do something? What could it be? Tell me. Tell your friends.

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