Monday, March 3, 2008

chavez is not wasting a minute

In the runup to Fidel's retirement, "President" Chavez has not wasted a minute to push himself to the front. Stung by an election defeat -- that is not likely to happen again--he has threatened war with Colombia, while getting his FARC allies to hand over to him a few of their hostages so he can magnanimously release them. Colombia has struck back, killing a leading FARC commander and allegedly seizing his computer.
And what does it contain? According to Colombian authorities this --

Colombia Files Show Chavez Funded FARC, Rebels Sought Uranium

By Helen Murphy

March 3 (Bloomberg) -- Colombia's police chief Oscar Naranjo said documents from the computer of a guerrilla leader killed last weekend in Ecuador show links to Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez.

The documents on the computer of Raul Reyes, the second in command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, indicate that Venezuela provided the guerrillas with at least $300 million and would help Chavez in the event of a U.S. attack on Venezuela.

Naranjo said the FARC, as the group is known, was seeking to buy 50 kilos of uranium for bomb making with aim of getting involved in international terrorism.

To contact the reporter on this story: Helen Murphy in Bogota at .

It may or may not be true but what is certain is that Chavez, a Trotskyite believer in permanent revolution, is going to become more and more extreme, quickly. He is in deep trouble at home. His only path is to continue doubling. Obama, if he is elected may have his first talk with Chavez. Good luck. What is more important and troubling is the report about the uranium. I doubt the reporter is correct about this. It is plutonium or something else radioactive they are looking for. It reminds me again of what is undoubtedly the greatest danger we face: a dirty bomb or a suitcase device dropped from a small plane. Chavez is just the kind of pompous madman who would be happy to promote this. Along with his friend in Teheran.

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